The third day I arrived to Phnom Penh I got really really sick. Because I was in the KKEV village I had to wait for one day to come to the capital and see a doctor. I was having 39 degrees temperature, couldn´t walk anymore and had a terrible headache. This lasted for more than a week when they finally dicovered I had salmonela and gave me the correct treatment. Because I couldn´t read or watch TV, I was physically and emotianally exhausted, on my last day in the Guesthouse I grabed a tissue and wrote a spoken word with all the ideas that popped in my head. I thought I should publish it here and rember how ¨ I survided in Cambodia¨ (they actually have T-shirts with this).

so here it goes:
Dancing with my basic needs
So what is more important?
To eat or to have a place to live
To be able to walk
Or to be able to talk
To be able to sleep
Or to be able to think
These question might sound
But I´ve been dancing with my basic needs
For the last eternity
Also quantified in modern
As ten magic ireversable
And this was by far the most challenging
As you dance it
Wow, that's quite an unfortunate experience. Glad to read you're better, best of luck with the teaching!